Plasma Concepts

PlasmaMIND™ contains five regions, conceptually seen as areas of the brain. These regions house the intelligence patterns, the models, real world view, the emotional - logical thought and articulation.

The PlasmaMIND™ regions are functionally responsible for:

  1. Communicating with the outside world,

  2. Recognising patterns either through logic or through emotion,

  3. Inferring knowledge through these patterns using models as the basis of understanding, and

  4. Populating the real world view with this knowledge.

The thought engine ensured a structured approach to the thinking process, and controls the manner in which information is moved from and to the outside world through the articulation region.

In the documentation PlasmaMIND™ is always depicted as a ball with an inner core (the neural mesh) with the plasma rings that houses all the cognitive regions. The outer surface and frame depicts the technology that can be built on top of the Intelligence Engine as PlasmaMIND Intelligence Applications™ and PlasmaMIND Intelligence Packs™


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